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Corporate Free Speech, Political Cartoon found at www.ny4democracy.org |
True, the corruption of politics and undue influence of the upper class has been an endemic problem since, well like, forever. But I think it is fair to say that the checks and balances on our democratic system has never been more in peril than it is today.
In 1974, Congress amended the Federal Election Campaign Act and began regulating campaign contributions and election spending. Among other things, it limited the amount that individual contributors could donate to politicians, required disclosure, and provided for public financing of presidential elections. Sensible provisions, right? But, wait. In the Buckley v. Valeo decision, the Supreme Court held that limiting contributions to election campaigns was unconstitutional and against the First Amendment, because political donations were a form of free speech. The court did sustain the limits on individual contributions, as well as disclosure and reporting provisions. What this meant, however, is that while there is a limit on what an individual can donate to a particular campaign, there is no limit to what they can spend on creating political documentaries, commercials, etc. This watershed moment made a profound change to our democratic system, which began functioning a lot like a plutocracy (government controlled by the wealthy few). The era of Super-PACs was born, and the massive amounts of money that poured into political pockets soon dismantled much of the democratic power of the common folk.
In 2010, the Supreme Court solidified the power of the economically privileged by ruling that Buckley v. Valeo also applied to corporations, associations, or labor unions. The Citizens United ruling was tantamount to giving corporations "personhood," and guaranteeing those organizations constitutional rights and freedoms. The First Amendment provision found in Buckley v. Valeo was therefore applied to corporations. The Supreme Court in essence, made the corruption of our democratic government a legal right. We have seen the result. A Congress that cannot pass any regulation, even when it is bipartisan in nature. The lack of action on climate change? Not at all surprising, considering the money the fossil fuel industry pours into politics. Just about every politician is beholding to some corporate or association entity and is afraid to stand up for what the American public really needs.
The 2014 Supreme Court decision in McCutcheon v. the Federal Election Commission further solidified the power of the rich by removing the overall cap on political contributions. It did not, however, change the limits on individual contributions to federal candidate campaigns, PACS, or party committees.
And let's not even get into gerrymandering - that term we all learned in high school that refers to the practice of reworking political districts in order to manipulate the vote and give a party a decided advantage. Both political parties have used this strategy. In New York State, some of the district maps end up looking slightly less like a subdivision on a map and somewhat more like my 3-year old grandson's art doodles.
We need to restore our representative democracy and demand free and fair elections. I dare to say if we are not successful in this fight, all will be lost. No progress will ever be made to resolve those huge problems that are threatening our way of life. Vested interests always seek the profit line, even when the entire system is falling down around them. You only have to look at the obstructionist Congress that we have, to realize that our country is not making much progress on the real problems that confront us -- climate change, a disintegrating infrastructure, budgeting and financial reforms, etc.
Stand up make some noise. Today. Begin by sharing information on your social networks. Advocate for free and fair elections by contacting your state and federal representatives. Don't just sit in a corner and watch our political system bleed out, because you did not speak up.
"Our nation is facing a crisis of liberty if we do not control campaign expenditures. We must prove that elective office is not for sale. We must convince the public that elected officials are what James Madison intended us to be, agents of the sovereign people, not the hired hands of rich givers, or what Madison called factions." ~Senator Barry Goldwater, 1983